List of 67 Mobile Stats for 2014

We love this blog of mobile stats compiled by marketing guru, Heidi Cohen. Some of the stats we think all healthcare organizations need to consider:

  • US smartphone ownership has increased 25% to 143 million. That means nearly half of Americans are carrying a little computer with them everywhere they go!
  • 81% of adults aged 25-34 have a smartphone. This is the highest smartphone age group penetration in the U.S. And as we all know, they don't just have phones; they live on them.
  • But it's not just for the kids. 50% of adults 55+ own a smartphone. 
  • Almost 3 out of 5 consumers prefer marketing text and other push messages over other forms of mobile marketing. With mobile, it's all about short and quick interactions that consumers can address on-the-go.
  • 58% of respondents will text companies to request information. Your consumers want to interact with you, if you provide them the right channels.

Click here to see the full of list of stats on Heidi Cohen's website. 

tags: mobile stats, research, Resources